TITLE: ‘Baranjo, Mili Moj Zavičaju’
DESCRIPTION: The most northeastern region of Croatia, Baranja, is a region located between the
Drava and Dunav rivers and borders Hungary. Often considered to be the richest
and liveliest of all Croatian dancing, the wealth of the dances from the Baranja
region is composed of distinctive folk costumes and many lively, temperamental
dances that the Šokci of Baranja have preserved until today. No festivity or
celebration would be complete without the Croats of Baranja expressing their
liveliness, song and cheering of the dancers, which has become a trademark of
the Pannonian identity. Choreographed by Maria Barković and Cristina Bradvica, the dancers of Vila Velebita are proud to showcase the annual wheat harvest traditions.
Najsjeveroistočnija regija Hrvatske, Baranja, smještena je između rijeka Drave i Dunava i graniči s Mađarskom. Često smatrana najbogatijom i najživljom od svih hrvatskih plesova, bogatstvo plesova iz Baranje sastoji se od karakterističnih narodnih kostima i mnogih živopisnih, temperamentnih plesova koje su Šokci Baranje sačuvali do danas. Nijedna svečanost ili proslava ne bi bila potpuna bez izražavanja živosti, pjesme i navijanja plesača Hrvata iz Baranje, što je postalo zaštitni znak panonskog identiteta. Koreografirano od strane Marije Barković i Cristine Bradvica, plesači Vile Velebita s ponosom prikazuju tradicije godišnje žetve pšenice.