Other fees:
$150 deposit for costumes (nošnje) and/or instruments that are loaned out to you. This fee is given back to you at the end of the season if costumes and/or instruments are returned in good repair.
Volunteer (bingo) Requirements
CHS is fortunate to have AGLC bingo and casino fundraising to help pay for programming, instruments, costumes and travel. Each member must volunteer to fulfill their yearly bingo requirements; the number of which depends on which group you’re a part of:
Vila Velebita and Hrvatske Zlatne Žice: 6 bingos
Vila Velebita Intermediate & Junior; and HZŽ Mentorship: 3 bingos per child*
Kardinal Stepinac: 4 bingos
* Those with more than one child registered in CHS will have a maximum of 9 bingos per family.
** one casino shift worked is equivalent to two bingos worked
All bingos are held at the Bingo Barn
Casino events typically take place every other year and locations vary.