Join us and @domagojedmonton in celebrating Poklade!
Buy your tickets today!
You don’t want to miss @zoka.begic at Maskenbal March 1st!
Nemojte propustiti @zoka.begic na Maskenbalu 1. Ožujka!
Tickets on sale now 🎟️ Ulaznice su u prodaju
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Celebrate 🎭 MARDI GRAS 🎭 with us!
Performances, prizes and great music from
Details below. Tickets available online now:
DM us or contact
Proslavite 🎭 MAŠKARE 🎭 s nama!
Nastupi, nagrade i vrhunska glazba sa
Zoranom Begićem
Detalji u prilogu. Ulaznice sada dostupne:
Pošaljite nam poruku ili kontaktirajte:
Svima želimo sretan i blagoslovljen Božić, te uspješnu novu 2025. godinu. Nadamo se da ćete ove svete blagdane proslaviti u miru sa svojim najbližima. 🎄❤️🌟 ...
Vila Velebita is doing a bottle drive to help raise funds for travel 🍾🚘. Please save your empty bottles over Christmas & New Years.
Vila Velebita organizira akciju l prikupljanja sredstava za putovanja. Sačuvajte prazne boce tijekom Božića i Nove godine.
Drop off date will be January 4 🗓️
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
At the parking lot of Our Lady of Marija Bistrica Church.
Or DM us to make arrangements.
Datum predaje bit će 4. siječnja 🗓️
13:30 do 16:00
U parkingu naše crkve
And dont forget to get a bottle of the limited edition ‘Živjeli’ medica from Burwood Distillery 🐝🥃🇭🇷
Link in bio.
Jučer, Croatian Heritage Society je priredila blagdanski program za Božićnog ručka u našem Hrvatskom Domu.
Thank you to @croatiancentre for having us 🎄❤️
Prošle nedjelje naši najmanji plesači su nastupili za proslavu Svetog Nikole u Our Lady of Marija Bistrica Croatian Catholic Parish Calgary 🎅🎄
Thank you to their instructor Irena Šušnjar (and assistant Marijana Čeko) for their hard work.
Našu budućnost i blago ❤️
Members of our Vila Velebita Senior Group got into the Christmas spirit and did some shopping for underprivileged children as part of @calgarycroatiasc annual Christmas Toy Drive! The kids had a great time and CHS is thrilled to donate to such a great cause🎅 ...
@ccffwfestival has partnered with Croatian-owned @burwoodspiritsandsoda to create a *limited* edition ‘Živjeli’ version of their traditional Croatian Medica (honey) liquer 🐝🥃🇭🇷
A portion of every bottle sold will support our folklore groups at the 47th Annual Croatian Canadian Folklore Festival.
Get some Medica for your Christmas table! Also makes a great gift, while supporting your community 🎁
Hurry while bottles last! Živjeli 🥂
Link in bio
Our Kardinal Stepinac dancers welcomed advent by decorating a Croatian style Christmas tree for @globalfestyyc’s ‘Holiday Lane’ at Sunridge Mall 🎄🇭🇷
Visit the mall between now and Jan 15th. Vote for Croatia’s tree as your favorite - you could win $200 and we could win a $1000 donation 🌟🎅
Thank you to @melissagracedesserts in Lethbridge for handmaking our Licitar hearts ❤️ and to Kardinal Stepinac for decorating.
Vila Velebita visited the Croatian Ethnic Institute in Chicago, the only museum of its kind dedicated to preserving the rich history of Croatians in North America.
Zahvaljujemo institutu i Fra. Antoniju Musi što nas je proveo u obilasku zgrade i naučio nas o ovoj povijesti 🇺🇸🇭🇷🇨🇦
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.